Animal welfare
Paws with Love

Together for a better world

With YOUR support we save dogs' lives every day!

What we do

Paws with love

We rescue and care for street dogs in need.
We bring puppies, old, sick and injured animals to safety.
We neuter, because that is the only thing that really helps in the long term.
We place animals sensibly and thoughtfully.
For all these reasons we set up our rescue centre in Nafplio on the Greek Peloponnese peninsula, in 2019.
We are there to make everything possible.

We are looking for a home

Our Dogs

Find your dream dog and companion for life here!


Patrinia is looking for her forever home!


Psoros is waiting for his forever home


Aris is looking for a home.

Donate now!

Account Holder
Tierschutzverein Herzverstand

AT75 1400 0964 1012 4839



Give a street dog
a chance

Give a dog the chance of a loving home and a happy life. At the same time, you will receive the unconditional love and loyalty of a dog that will be forever grateful to you. Decide to adopt a street dog and change not only the animal’s life, but also your own.

What happens here with us



Our senior Yakumis has found his place of mercy after so many endless years at the shelter. We can’t put into words how much it means to us to see him so happy after all!


One of our volunteers found nine puppies in a bag that could not even open their eyes yet. Here we’ll tell you what became of our foundlings!

Thanks to your support

we can continue our
work every day

dogs cared for
per year
per year

About us

Rescued dogs from Greece find a home with Paws with Love

The animal welfare organisation Paws with Love is dedicated to creating a better world for street dogs. Since our foundation in 2019, we have built an animal shelter where around 150 dogs are currently receiving veterinary care and being rehomed. We have also been able to place over 900 dogs. The association organises regular neutering campaigns with microchipping and vaccinations to check on dogs living in the wild and provide them with food.

The Foundation


The Goal

A better life for street dogs

Successfully placed

over 900 dogs

Ein bisschen über uns

Gerettete Hunde aus Griechenland finden ihr Zuhause in Europa mit Paws with Love

Der Verein Tierschutz Herzverstand Paws with Love hat sich dem Ziel verschrieben, eine bessere Welt für Straßenhunde zu schaffen. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2019 haben wir ein Tierheim gebaut, wo aktuell etwa 150 Hunde tierärztlich versorgt und aufgepäppelt werden. Zudem konnten wir bereits über 900 Hunde in Länder wie Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz und England vermitteln. Der Verein organisiert regelmäßige Kastrationsaktionen mit Microchip und Impfungen um auch freilebende Hunde zu kontrollieren und sie mit Futterstellen zu versorgen.

Die Gründung


Das Ziel

Besseres Leben für Straßenhunde

Erfolgreich vermittelt

über 900 Hunde

Help now

Adopt one of our dogs, become a foster home or sponsor.